Here we are again, the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, our first big challenge of the season. I say this only because Mother’s Day, usually our first big challenge, was diminished somewhat by the weather. With good weather, some Mother’s Days have been our biggest day of the year. So now we turn to Memorial Day. With excellent weather predicted, this will be the first big weekend where we might get an idea of how the rest of the season goes. Much, of course, also depends on the economy and the situation around the world.

At this time, we have most of our employees for the season. All those who were out with Covid are back. Many of the employees who were in school are now out of school and available to work. We are also coping with supply chain issues that were a problem earlier in the season; by working with new distributors. We have the product brands that were not available at the beginning of the season.
The air temperatures have risen to the degree that we can expect the highs to be over 60°F on a regular basis. And there hasn’t been much rain. So the deck at Barnacle Billy’s overlooking beautiful Perkins Cove has been very enjoyable indeed.
At Barnacle Billy’s, Etc., this will be the last day that we open at 5:00 PM. For the rest of the season we will be opening at noon and closing at 9:00 PM. Our kitchen is fully staffed. It should be the first year in three that we won’t have to close with Covid complications. Fingers crossed!
I’m really proud of our staff here at the two restaurants, particularly our core crew who have been with us for years. Patrons compliment me all the time about how consistently good the food is, how everything is the same as it was years ago and how friendly the staff is. I always tell them that the reason is that those behind me are responsible for making this so. My employees make me look good! And I have to say, to an individual, I truly enjoy seeing them when I walk into the restaurants every day.